Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Musicians of rank

As with every and any walk of life, music has a heirarchy. Some folks are senior, top of the heap types. Others, low down boot polishers. But how do you tell who is who, which is which? Simple. Look closely and many artists display their rank for all to see:

1. The Captain & Tenille

2. Colonel Abrams

3. Lieutenant Pigeon

4. Sergeant Pepper

5. Major Parkinson

6. Captain Sensible

7. General Lafayette

8. Marshall Hain

9. Sergeant Petter

10. Private Angus

11. Trooper

12. Lord Sutch

13. Cadet

14. Commander Cody

15. Marshall Crenshaw

16. Professor Longhair

17. Chief Kamachi

18. Electric President

19. General Saint

20. Admiral Bailey

Magnus Shaw, 2010